By Bonita Wilborn
On Thursday, September 2, 2021, Woodville Mayor Steve Helms had the unenviable task of accepting the Town’s Public Library keys from Director Karen Chambers on her last official day before retirement. Mrs. Chambers has served the Town of Woodville as Director of the Public Library for 28 years, with the total years of service to the Woodville Public Library being 34 years.
Speaking from personal experience, retirement is accompanied by a variety of emotions, and it was no different for Mrs. Chambers. She stated, “There is a little sadness in the air, but it’s time. I’m ready to start on a new journey.”
Mrs. Chambers was born and raised in Paint Rock Valley, and she never strayed far from her roots. At the tender age of 19, Karen married the love of her life, Larry Chambers, and moved to Woodville in 1968. Their union has been blessed over the decades with two children, eleven grandchildren, and ten great grandchildren.
Like so many mothers, Karen Chambers has worn many hats throughout her lifetime. She began her work-life as an employee of the Sears Finance Company in Huntsville but became a stay-at-home-mom after her children were born. Moms definitely wear a bunch of different hats.
After her children started school, Mrs. Chambers put on a new hat, and from 1976 – 1985 she was also a substitute teacher at the Woodville High School.
Then in October of 1985, Mrs. Chambers took on another hat, so to speak, because the Town of Woodville saw the need for a public library. A room was added to the Bob Jones Community Center. Chambers was hired to work at the newly opened Woodville Public Library on weekday afternoons and on Saturdays.
Life happens, and we all have to set priorities. In November of 1991, Mrs. Chambers had to set a priority in her life. That came in the form of quitting the job she’d had for six years to become the primary caregiver for another Mrs. Chambers, her mother-in-law. This was yet another hat that she wore for a while.
In September of 1993, Karen Chambers was able to resume her work at the Woodville Public Library, but this time she was hired as the library’s Director. Although she had already worn a
“Library hat” she most assuredly took on a different hat with her new role as Director. It’s a hat that she’s worn ever since that time.
Many changes have come along through the years, and Mrs. Chambers recalled 2008 being a year of great change. It’s the year the library was updated to a computerized system.
According to Mrs. Chambers, the 17,000 books had to be put on the computer. Mrs. Chambers, along with Joyce and Charles Chandler, were aided in this update by employees of the Alabama Public Library.
“We had to go through every card to make sure the books were here.” Mrs. Chandler recalled.
Nevertheless, the update at the library wasn’t the only difficult part of 2008 because her husband Larry passed away on September 6, 2008. They had been married for 43 years.
Chambers explained, “After I lost Larry, this place [the library] saved my life.”
Hardship has been a recurring factor in Mrs. Chambers’ life as the place she loved has flooded numerous times: 2004, 2012, and again in 2020. There’s no doubt that more and varied hats were worn during those difficult times.
Mrs. Chambers is particularly proud of the library’s preschool reading group, where 85-100 children participate in the summer.
Woodville Mayor Steve Helms commented, “Mrs. Chambers is always trying to encourage and inspire young children to be the best they can be.”
Mrs. Chambers’ newest hat is that of a genealogist, as she has plans to spend some time working on her family genealogy, catch up on some things, and take in the sights of the town she loves by going for leisurely strolls.
The owners and staff of North Jackson Press would like to wish Mrs. Karen Chambers a very happy retirement.