I recently received the following on Facebook.
“To pastors of very small churches,
You and I face a hard position. The folks that once loved the little small bodies throughout the USA have shifted in the idea of everything concerning Church life. The very modern updated buildings have light shows, and the television stage for religious actors has grown incredibly large.
Just like the old store by the road, if a new modern one is built close by, everyone begins to shop at the new one. The old store owner sits on the front, watching all his customers begin to drift across the street to the more modern store. The old country church is now faced with this, and it is real.
In saying this, I want to say the old country churches across America should pool together, if possible, to help promote each other as family.
We cannot compete with big money, big fancy buildings, and such, but in all reality, the Holy Spirit of God is never impressed by those things. We must dig in deep in prayer. Those mega places are part of this world now. Nobody can stop its direction, no matter how it turns out, but for us, we can regroup.
We’ve been here a long time. We are stable and not going with the worldly flow.
It will be a test for us, but we are strong in Christ’s Spirit, for we are real.
We’ve been in this fire, being tested for years. We hold the old landmark gospel that’s been preached for hundreds of years. The ‘big’ is great and beautiful, but the Spirit of the Lord dwells in humility and holiness.
Let the big technical church move on to its highest level.
But the blood-bought church will be the one going up. Let the world have the world’s church. We are the apple of God’s eyes. Stay humble. Love God and the few who you minister with and to. God bless every one of you pastors of small, old church bodies. We still got the real.”
Missionary Franklin Bennett
I am one of the pastors of a very small church discussed in this passage. This touched my heart, for I do feel that we have the real thing. We desire to grow, but we realize that the Lord will determine growth. If God does not grow the church, then the church grows the wrong way.
If you have become discouraged with the way your church is going, I would like to invite you to come and visit us at New Shady Grove Baptist Church, located at 602 County Road 372, in Dutton, AL. This is not a membership drive, I don’t believe in stealing members from other churches.
However, if you have become dissatisfied and you have prayed for the Lord to send you somewhere else, we would love for you to come and try us. We believe in worshiping the Lord in Spirit and in truth. Please keep us in your prayers, and if you feel led by the Spirit please come and visit us.
I would like to wish all pastors a Happy Pastor Appreciation Month.
Ricky Wilborn
Fort Payne, AL