I’ve been thinking lately bout Decoration Day, a tradition that is still very much observed in our area, but that is, surprisingly enough, specific only to our area. When my daughter went to Huntsville to college in 2001, she was very surprised to find that most of her college friends had never heard of Decoration Day. It was always such an important event in our lives while she was growing up, she really just couldn’t fathom the fact that they’d never heard of it.
Honesty compels me to tell you that in the Wilborn family, Decoration Day has, in modern times, become less and less attended by the current generations that make up the family, but in years past everyone showed up at Decoration Day and most of them came prepared to meet up afterward at one of the uncle’s house for lunch and fellowship. Man the yard would be full of vehicles and lawn chairs. The tables would be filled to capacity with some items being placed on additional tables that were brought out to accommodate the extra dishes. Now, if 8-10 vehicles show up we think it’s been a good turnout. Like many of the other old time traditions, it seems that Decoration Day is swiftly becoming a thing of the past in our area too.
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