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Interview With Coach Tyler Vann

Interview With Coach Tyler Vann

By Arlan “Monk” Blevins

The local high school football season is fast approaching, and we will be talking with Dekalb County /Jackson County coaches to get to know them a little better. Some are legends, and some will be. Some you already know,  and some are new to the area. This article is the fourth in a series of coach interviews. This week we will be speaking with Coach Tyler Vann, head coach of the Woodville Panthers.

  1. Where are you from, and where have you coached?

I grew up in Higdon, AL, and graduated from North Sand Mountain High School. I have coached at North Sand Mountain, Arab, Scottsboro, and Buckhorn. 

    Adam Gilbert has had the biggest influence on me as an athlete and a person. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the impact he has had on my life. 

            It has always been my dream to be a head football coach. The opportunity to change young people’s lives is why I got into coaching.

We try and instill discipline into our players. We talk about doing small things the right way every day. Our saying is, “If we do small things, we do all things.” We preach small things regularly, from keeping their locker the correct way, to cleaning the weight room and making sure the weights are racked the correct way, to getting lined up and taking the correct first step on the football field. 

          I would say I enjoy coaching more than I enjoyed playing. It is special when you see players grow on and off the field. 

The biggest obstacle for me was getting to know the players. I got hired in the middle of the pandemic, and I had to get to know the players via Google meet.

  1. If I am not on the football field, I enjoy spending time with my wife, Hannah Vann. My number one hobby would be fishing.