Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Bailey Landscaping, LLC, an Alabama Limited Liability Company to First Southern State Bank and recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jackson County, Alabama at Book 2018-1084168
Now therefore, under and by virtue of the terms of said mortgage and the power of sale contained therein, First Southern State Bank will sell at public outcry, to the highest and best bidder for cash at the North entrance of the Jackson County Courthouse in Scottsboro, Alabama on February 28, 2025 during the legal hours of sale, the following described real property situated in Jackson County, Alabama:
All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being located in Scottsboro, Alabama on the block which is bounded on the South by Southern Railroad or North Railroad Avenue, on the West by Houston Street, on the North by Chestnut Street and on the East by an alley which is now accepted as an extension of North Broad Street and is further described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the North side of Southern Railway right of way or North Railroad Avenue which is 112 feet East of the intersection with the East side of Houston Street; thence East along the North boundary line of Southern Railway right of way a distance of approximately 624 feet to the intersection with the West line of an alley 20 feet wide, running North and South, and which has been accepted and known as an extension of North Broad Street; thence North along the West side of said alley or North Broad Street a distance of approximately 330 feet to the intersection with the South side of Chestnut Street; thence West along the South side of Chestnut Street a distance of approximately 624 feet to an iron pin; thence South a distance of 330 feet to the point of beginning on the North side of Southern Railway right of way where an iron pin has been set.
This lot or parcel of land may be further described as the East 19 Feet evenly off of Lots 90 and 125, all of Lots numbered 91 through 108 and Lots numbered 126 through 143 and the West 13 feet evenly off of Lots numbered 109 and 144, all located in the block bounded by North Railroad Avenue or the Southern Railway property on the South, an alley or extension of North Broad Street on the East Chestnut Street on the North and Houston Street on the West. There is also conveyed hereby the right to use a driveway 20 feet wide and located immediately West of the above described property, which driveway runs North and South, but not to the exclusion of the owner of the property to the West of the above described tract but jointly and so long as the same remains open as and for a driveway, as described in the deed from W. L. Gladish, Jr. and Wife Johnnie K. Gladish, to Gay Tred Mills, Inc. recorded in Deed Book 273 at Page 180 in the office of the Probate Judge of Jackson County, Alabama.
That certain lot, plot or parcel of land situated in the City of Scottsboro, Jackson County, Alabama and being a part of a two acre tract of land conveyed by J. T. Skelton to Sidney Talley and futher known as the Canning Factory lot and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a stake on the Southwest corner of said lot fronting on the North side
of Chestnut Street; thence running North along an old fence line a distance of 75
feet to a stake; thence West a distance of 100 feet to a stake; thence South 75 feet to a stake on the North side of said Chestnut Street; thence East along said Chestnut Street a distance of 100 feet to a stake, the point of beginning being the same conveyed by Hal B. Word and wife Frances B. Word to Gay Tred Mills, Inc. by deed recorded in Deed Book 229 at Page 156 in the office of the Probate Judge of Jackson County, Alabama.
Lots 103 through 108, the West 13 feet of Lot 109, part of Lots 137 through 143, and part of the West 13 feet of Lot 144 of Section C of the Plat of the City of Scottsboro, Alabama as recorded in Plat Cabinet A, Slide 33 in the Probate Office of Jackson County, Alabama and being a part of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19, Township 4 South, Range 6 East of the Huntsville Meridian in Jackson County, Alabama and being more particularly described as follows:
Commence at an axle found at the Southeast corner of said Section 19 and run a tie line North 54 degrees 35 minutes West a distance of 2611.2 feet to a mag nail and cap found on the North margin of Maple Street at the Southeast corner of the West 13 feet of said Lot 109 and being the Southeast corner of the tract hereby described and the true point of beginning; thence with said North margin North 88 degrees 29.7 minutes West a distance of 240.66 feet; thence leaving said North margin North 00 degres 51.5 minutes East a distance of 181.0 feet; thence South 88 degrees 29.7 minutes East a distance of 240.66 feet to a point on the East boundary of the West 13 feet of said Lot 144, said point being South 00 degrees 51.5 minutes West a distance of 149.85 feet from a mag nail and cap found at the Northeast corner of the West 13 feet of said Lot 144; thence along said East boundary South 00 degrees 51.5 minutes West a distance of 181.0 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.00 acres more or less. LESS AND EXCEPT any possible public right of ways associated with the previous extension of North Broad Street.
Said sale is to be made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage and the expense of foreclosure, including a reasonable fee for the attorney for the mortgagee, and the proceeds therefrom shall be applied first to the payment of the expense of foreclosure, including a reasonable attorney’s fee, second to the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and third the balance, if any, to the mortgagor(s).
Kenneth H. Looney, 406 West Charlotte Ave., Scottsboro, AL 3576
Publish on February 7, 14, 21, 2025