Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Do you have an idea that you think could be turned into a revenue stream? Have you recently started a business but could use the support to take it to the next level? If so, the Mountain Lakes Chamber of Commerce is excited to invite you to its first workshop with The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship!
Mountain Lakes Chamber of Commerce commented, “The Catalyst provides phenomenal resources to entrepreneurs and small business owners, and we are thrilled to welcome them to Jackson County. This FREE workshop on Friday, Jan 28 at noon will be filled with valuable information. The Chamber will provide lunch. Hurry – only 18 seats are available!” Register here: https://catalystcenter.ecenterdirect.com/events/971695
entrepreneurship #growyourbusiness
Date: 1/28/22
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM (CST)
Registration Deadline: 1/27/22 6:00 PM (CST)
Fee: No Fee
Point of Contact: Holly Brockman
Location: 407 E Willow St, Scottsboro AL 35768-1964
Training Topics: Business Plan, Business Start-up/Preplanning
This Engage in Entrepreneurship will be offered in person only, and it will take place at the Mountain Lakes Chamber of Commerce in Scottsboro.
Begin building your community of support and discover the importance of communicating your business effectively. Whether you are just starting or already established, this workshop provides you with the assistance and resources you need to succeed at any stage of the business life cycle. Please join us for an interactive workshop, where we encourage your participation!
In this program, you will:
• Gain insight on how The Catalyst can help you achieve your goals
• Learn how to think through the basic components of starting or growing your business
• Determine what areas you need to focus your attention
• Understand how to communicate your business effectively
• Begin building your community of resources and support
• Start your entrepreneurial roadmap to success
Once you have completed Engage in Entrepreneurship, you will have unlimited access to subject matter experts through free one-on-one business coaching. Catalyst coaches will guide you through the right steps for you to achieve your goals. We want our clients to be empowered to continue their dream of business ownership. Your success is our success!