Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Jimmy Kelly, an unmarried man, to First Southern State Bank and recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jackson County, Alabama at Book 2020, Page 1099758.
Now therefore, under and by virtue of the terms of said mortgage and the power of sale contained therein, First Southern State Bank will sell at public outcry, to the highest and best bidder for cash. at the North entrance of the Jackson County Courthouse in Scottsboro, Alabama on April 8, 2022, during the legal hours of sale, the following described real property situated in Jackson County, Alabama:
All that tract or parcel of land located in the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 7 East, Huntsville Meridian, and being more particularly described as follows:
Commence at a 1 inch crimped top pipe found at the Northeast corner of said section, thence South 55 degrees 0 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 1617.51 feet to a 2 inch aluminum pipe found in North/South fence line, said point being the true point of beginning. Thence from the point of beginning South 89 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds West a distance of 360.19 feet to a 2 inch aluminum pipe found in a fence line on the East right of way (ROW) of County Road 181 (prescriptive ROW), thence with and along said ROW and fence line North 1 degree 4 minutes 1 second West a distance of 279.59 feet to a fence corner, thence continuing along said ROW and said fence line the following three (3) calls:
North 23 degrees 33 minutes 42 seconds East a distance of 68.34 feet.
North 53 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 20.82 feet.
North 70 degrees 8 minutes 6 seconds East a distance of 10.52 feet to a fence corner, thence leaving said ROW and continuing along said fence line North 89 degrees 41 minutes 2 seconds East a distance of 302.64 feet to a fence corner at a cross fence, thence continuing said fence line South 1 degree 24 minutes 3 seconds East a distance of 359.12 to the point of beginning.
Said tract or parcel of land containing 2.9 acres, more or less.
Said sale is to be made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage and the expense of foreclosure, including a reasonable fee for the attorney for the mortgagee, and the proceeds therefrom shall be applied first to the payment of the expense of foreclosure, including a reasonable attorney’s fee, second to the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, and third the balance, if any, to the mortgagor(s).
Kenneth H. Looney, 406 West Charlotte Ave.,
Scottsboro, AL 35768
Publish: March 18, March 25, and April 1, 2022