We, the Grand Jury for Jackson County, Alabama, having completed our work for this session, submit the following report:
We have reviewed 363 cases and return in open court 307 True Bills.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our tour was limited to the Jackson County Jail, but we found it remarkably clean and well-maintained. We would first like to commend the jail staff on a job well done during this pandemic by avoiding an outbreak throughout the jail. We do have safety concerns for the corrections deputies, other staff, and inmates due to understaffing. As funding becomes available, we recommend more money be allocated towards hiring more employees; this would improve safety and the health and well-being of the inmates by allowing more outside time. Also, a renovation or building of a new jail facility would provide much-needed space.
We have toured the Courthouse and found it also to be clean and well-maintained. The bathrooms were especially clean. Also, we would like to brag on the air conditioning unit as we were kept exceptionally cool during our time this week. The Probate Office records room could use a new carpet as there is a safety concern. Although the Driver’s License Office falls under the management of The Department of Public Safety, we would like it noted that the office needs additional staff and consistent operating hours to better serve the citizens of Jackson County.
We would note that while instructed by the Court that we have the responsibility to review the financial books of the various courthouse offices, we did not do so, as we understand that the Department of Public Examiners now audits the books and that if they found irregularities, they would request time to present those to us.
We had a very educational and informative week hearing about the cases and the process that goes into our criminal system. The District Attorney and his staff were pleasant, professional, and helpful in explaining to the Jurors the duties they were required to perform and clarifying any questions involved in each case or indictment.
We would like to thank the members of law enforcement who appeared before the Grand Jury, including the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, Scottsboro Police Department, Alabama State Troopers (ALEA), Bridgeport Police Department, Hollywood Police Department, Stevenson Police Department, and the Jackson County Community Corrections Office.
Having completed this session of the Grand Jury, we respectfully request that we be recessed.