NJP Community
Announcements 2-7-20
Classic Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed for Pre-Bassmaster
Classic® lake and shoreline cleanup of Guntersville Lake
on Saturday, February 29, 2020, from 8:00, am to noon.
Volunteers will meet at the Jackson Park Boat Launch located at 1310 Sunset
Drive in Guntersville. The cleanup is sponsored by Bassmaster, Keep
Guntersville Beautiful, My Lake Guntersville, TVA, Keep Alabama Beautiful,
Marshall County Convention and Visitors Bureau and Keep the Tennessee River
Beautiful. Individuals and groups can find information and
pre-register to volunteer at www.facebook.com/events/174169443925289/
Stevenson Baseball
Stevenson will hold baseball sign-ups at Stevenson City Park each Saturday until
February 8, from 9:00, am to 1:00 pm, at the concession stand beside the
Citizen Police
The Scottsboro Police Department is now accepting
applications for their 22nd Citizen Police
Academy. Classes will begin Tuesday, March 10, and run
through Tuesday, May 5, and will be held from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm each Tuesday
in the Scottsboro
City Courtroom. Direct any
questions to Officer Wade Patterson at 256-218-2005 of 256-574-4468. Get the online application here: http://scottsboropd.org/?portfolio=citizens-academy
Bingo At The Flat
Rock Community Club
Bingo will return to the Flat Rock Community Club on
Saturday, February 8, at 5:00 pm CT. Supper
will be served. They invite you to enjoy
the food, fellowship, and fun!
Free Seedlings In Celebration Of Arbor Week
Scottsboro Tree Commission and Jackson
Gardners will
give away tree seedlings on Saturday, February 29, from 9:00, am to noon, at
the Veterans Fairgrounds on Cecil Street. This event is in celebration of Arbor
Week. Types of seedlings that will be
available are: Cherry
Bark Oaks, Southern Red Oaks, Shumard Oaks, Persimmons, Mayhaws, Pecans, White
Flowering Dogwoods, Red Maples, and Yoshino Cherry Tree cuttings. Smokey Bear and the Jackson County
will help with distribution.
Jackson County SKYWARN
The Jackson County Emergency
Management Agency (EMA) will host SKYWARN training on Tuesday, February 11,
from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at the Jackson County
Resource Center
in Scottsboro. Training is free and
typically lasts about two hours.
Attendees will learn the basics of thunderstorm development,
fundamentals of storm structure, how to identify potential severe weather
features, what information to report, how to report that information, and basic
severe weather safety. To sign up,
contact the Jackson
County EMA.
Volunteers Needed
Highlands Medical
Center and Nursing Home
needs volunteers. For volunteer
applications, visit the information desk at Highlands Medical Center,
located at 380 Woods Cove Road
in Scottsboro.
Heartline Hospice
Care Needs Volunteers
Heartline Hospice Care needs volunteers. Volunteers perform administrative duties in
the office, sitting with patients, or accompanying staff to community
events. If interested, call Kara Perkins
at 256-259-1754.
Rosalie Community Center
Community Center holds a
monthly meeting on the 3rd Thursday of every month (except December)
at 6:00 pm. New members are welcome; you
do not have to be a resident of Rosalie.
We do multiple fundraising projects throughout the year to help
contribute to the betterment of our community!
Please feel free to contact Debbie Morrissette 256-605-4059 for
additional information. A monthly
breakfast is the 3rd Saturday each month from 7:00 am to 9:00 am.
Library’s Toddler
Story Time
The Lena Cagle Public Library located in Bridgeport will hold Toddler Story Time, the
3rd Tuesday of every month, beginning at 10:00 am.
Dance Every Saturday
Dance away your Saturday nights from, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm,
at the Veterans Post Home in Scottsboro.
Donations go to assist in missions and programs for veterans, their
families, and the community. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 30 sponsors the
event alcohol and smoke-free event. All new-comers are welcome.
Guitar Lessons
Stevenson Public Library will host guitar lessons by
Jonathan Olaphant on Wednesdays at 3:30 pm.
Lessons will be $10 per person.
You can pre-register at the library.
All ages are welcome.
New Life Ministries
New Life Ministries in Ider is an independent non-denomination
church led by the Holy Spirit of God.
Services are held on Sundays at 10:30 am and Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. Pastor Jeff Watkins invites everyone to
Under Grace Recovery
Amazing Grace Church Of God will begin holding Under Grace
Recovery Program meetings each Thursday at 6:30 pm. For more information, call Pastor Frankie
Carroll 423-718-2560. They will sign
cards for Drug Court.
N.E. Alabama Marine Corps
The N.E. Alabama Marine Corps League, Detachment 1404, meets
at 10:00 am the 2nd Saturday each month, at 659 Wallace Ave. NE, Fort Payne,
AL, 35967.
Marines and Navy Corpsmen interested in
becoming a member are invited. For more
information, contact Commandant Charles Martin at 334-546-6892.
By His Hands Outreach
By His Hands Outreach Ministry offers a soup kitchen on
Mondays at 6:00 pm, and a clothes closet Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to
5:00 pm. Donations are greatly
appreciated. For more information, call
256-516-5563 or 256-516-5562.
Rosalie Community Center
Community Center holds a
monthly meeting on the 3rd Thursday of every month (except December)
at 6:00 pm. New members are welcome; you
do not have to be a resident of Rosalie.
We do multiple fundraising projects throughout the year to help contribute
to the betterment of our community!
Please feel free to contact Debbie Morrissette 256-605-4059 for
additional information. A monthly
breakfast is the 3rd Saturday each month from 7:00 am to 9:00 am.