The Stevenson Council met in regular session on the 28th of March, 2019. Mayor Steele called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.
Upon roll call, those answering present were councilpersons Keith Davis, Glenda Taylor, Mike Cloud, Wally Rowe, and City Clerk Sandy Evans. Bob Spencer was absent from the meeting.
The invocation was led by Mike Cloud before the business portion of the meeting started.
Upon reading of the minutes, Wally Rowe offered a motion to accept the minutes as read. Glenda Taylor offered a second, and the vote was unanimous to accept.
Resolution 2019-04 to sell 1986 Chevrolet 4×4 truck and Army truck (unneeded property) was introduced by a councilperson. Wally Rowe offered a motion to sell the unneeded property with a second made by Keith Davis. The vote was unanimous to sell the property.
Mike Cloud offered a motion to take a $900.00 two page spread ad in the Jackson County Magazine with a second offered by Glenda Taylor. The vote was unanimous.
Mayor Steele discussed accepting Credit/Debit Cards for Court. It was tabled due to lack of a motion.
Next, Mayor Steele talked with the council about events for Depot Days. Also, the
Mayor told the Council that the post for the Ft. Harker sign needed to be replaced. He informed them that the cost of a new post will be $325.00. Wally Rowe offered a motion to order a new post, and Keith Davis offered a second.
With no further business to discuss, Wally Rowe made a motion to adjourn. Keith Davis offered a second, and at 6:50 PM the meeting stood in adjournment.
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