Day three: We got up at 6 a.m. again for breakfast. This time we stayed for fellowship and ended up in a group sing-along. We had lots of people listening, videoing, and singing along with well-known gospel hymns. We continued the concert until it was time to board the shuttle to the Fontana Dam Overlook, where the morning service was to take place. It was a very spiritual service with two scheduled preachers and two others that God put on the schedule. After lunch, we fellowshipped for a while and then went back to our cabins around 2 p.m. to unwind and nap.
The torrential rain storm that came through DeKalb, Ala., was large enough that it also dumped lots of rain, wind, and even hail on Fontana Dam, N.C. There were tree limbs and debris on the streets and in the yards, and some small trees were broken. Thankfully, it passed in time for us to attend the night service at 7:30 p.m., where there was one soul gloriously saved.
Day four: We got up at 6 a.m. again to get breakfast, pack all our stuff, load it into the car, and head to Dry Creek Baptist Church, 30 miles away. The final service of the trip did not disappoint. It was another very spiritual service, a perfect ending to a great trip.
The drive home was uneventful, except for one incident. Around Cleveland, Tennessee, we needed a bathroom break, so we exited the highway to take care of that. Shortly after we continued our journey home, just as we passed an entrance to the divided highway where the road went from 2 lanes on our side to 3 lanes, a black pickup truck pulling a trailer came flying around us from behind. It went from the far left lane, which we were driving in, across all three lanes, and then back across all three lanes right in front of us and kept going like a bat out of you know where. It was being followed by a silver pickup that did the same thing. Since it wasn’t dangerously close, we didn’t think too much about it, except that they were certainly in a hurry. However, not far up the road, we saw two police cars about a half mile ahead of us that had been parked on the left side of the interstate underneath an overpass. They turned their blue lights on and pulled out on the highway also in a big hurry. Then, about another half mile up the highway, those police cars had the silver pickup pulled over.
We pondered what could have been going on. Being an imaginative writer, and as most humans will do, I derived a situation in my mind that had the person in the silver pickup exhibiting road rage, and they were chasing the person in the black pickup for cutting them off. Another scenario that popped into my head was that the person in the black pickup had stolen the trailer he was pulling from the person in the silver pickup and he was being chased for that reason…
Oh well…welcome to my world.
Bonita Wilborn is Managing Editor, Features Writer, and Advertising Manager at Mountain Valley News and North Jackson Press and can be reached via email at [email protected].