By: Matthew Webb, County Extension Coordinator
Jackson County Extension is excited to announce a series of winter meetings planned for February, March, and April on various topics.
There will be a High Yield Soybean, and Corn Meeting held on Thursday, February 1st at 5:30 pm. This is a free program for row crop producers that includes a sponsored meal. Alex Harrell, who holds the world record for soybean yield at 206.7997 bushels per acre and grows 400+ bushels per acre corn, will be our speaker. This meeting will be held at the Kevin Dukes Career & Innovation Center at 29727 U.S. Highway 72 in Hollywood, Alabama. Please RSVP if you plan on attending by calling Eddie McGriff (256) 557-2375 or email at [email protected].
There will be an informational meeting called Seed to Sip about barley production on February 8th at 9 am at the Sand Mountain Research and Education Center at 13112 Alabama Highway 68 in Crossville, AL. Topics will include barley variety selection, control options for weeds, insects, and diseases, fertility management, and processing. This is a free event with a sponsored meal. To RSVP for this meeting, you must call or text (256) 298-0147 to register.
The 2024 AL Bermudagrass Hay Growers Summit will be on February 20th, beginning at 9:30 am. This meeting will be conducted at the Sand Mountain Research & Extension Center located at 13112 AL Hwy 68 in Crossville, AL. It will feature experienced instructors addressing the common needs and concerns of bermudagrass hay producers in AL and surrounding states. Issues addressed will be insects, weed control, industry updates, nutrient management, and economics. The cost for this meeting is $15 per participant and includes a meal and printed materials. Register online no later than February 16th. You can find more information and the registration link here: If you are unable to register online, call and register with the Dekalb County Extension Office at (256) 845-8595. If paying at the door, cash will not be accepted, so please prepare to pay with a check or money order.
The Vegetables and More Meeting will be held March 5th from 9 am to 2 pm. A variety of vegetable and related topics will be presented, including vegetable varieties, insects, disease, nut tree basics, and growing cut flowers—a free program with a light meal. Please call to register for this meeting at the Jackson County Extension Office by March 1st at (256) 574-2143. The meeting will be held at Section Town Hall located at 72 Dutton Road in Section.
The Private Pesticide Applicator Training will be held on March 13th from 9 am to 1 pm. This meeting is open to anyone interested in obtaining a private pesticide applicator license for purchasing restricted-use pesticides. The training will be held at the Jackson County Farmers Federation Building (ALFA) located at 23625 John T Reid Pkwy in Scottsboro. The cost is $20.00 per participant for training, which is due on the day of the training. Required paperwork and an additional $25.00 per participant for the license will need to be mailed to the AL Dept of Ag & Industries. For the training, make payment (checks/money order) payable to ACES. Cash will not be accepted.
The Sheep and Goat Production Meeting will be held on April 8th from 5:30 pm to 8 pm. Topics this year will be understanding wildlife and predation, supplementation strategies, and pasture recovery after a drought—free program with a light meal. Please call to register for this meeting at the Jackson County Extension Office by April 4th at (256) 574-2143. The meeting will be held at the Farmers Federation Building located at 23625 John T Reid Pkwy in Scottsboro.
If you have questions or need to register for programs, contact the Jackson County Extension Office at (256) 574-2143. For programs requiring payment, please make checks or money orders payable to ACES. Cash will not be accepted. If you have any accessibility needs, please let us know. These programs, like all AL Extension programs, are open to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or veteran status.